Ugh! Time flies when you are a full time Mommy and it's Christmas card season in the photography world. My poor children have definitely become photo deprived since I started this business, but they aren't complaining.
My grandma called last week and begged for some pictures...any pictures at all. She checks my blog twice a day. She is committed though I am not. Sorry Grandma! Here are your pictures.
I will try to do better!
On Halloween we went to a local farm for some Fall fun. Unfortunately it was a cold, misty day, but the kids didn't much care about that.
The first thing they wanted to do was ride the bucking cow train.

Well, maybe they liked the idea of it when they saw it, but once inside were not so sure. A "train" of four or five cows was pulled by a small tractor and as it moved the cows bucked up and down.

Austin loved it immediately. Mia waited a bit for her verdict.

But, ultimately she seemed to like the experience. We didn't know how she would do when the train went into the corn field where she couldn't see Mommy and Daddy. We waited for the wails!

But, to our surprise, they never came and when they emerged from the field this was her sweet facial expression. Pure joy! Needless to say, they rode it more than once.

Another highlight was the corn slide.

And the "heavy machinery" for corn play.

Of course, the John Deere inspired pedal carts were also a lot of fun, though Austin was a little frustrated that he was too short to do it himself.

We took a hayride pulled by a tractor out to the pretty much empty pumpkin patch where we weren't even allowed to get off. I imagine the pumpkins that were left out there were rotting anyway, but it was a nice ride. When we got off the kids were thrilled to get to climb on the stationary tractor for some pretend driving.

If you ask Austin what he wants to be when he grows up, he always replies with "A Farmer. So I can drive a tractor every day." He was in his own little world up there that day.

And because Mia has to do everything that Austin does, she drove the tractor too.

Before we left we let each of the kids pick a pumpkin from the selection they had left.

Mia picked the largest one she could manage to carry.
Hours later it was time for trick or treating and Buzz was ready to go. He LOVED the $7 costume I got him from a local consignment shop.
It really was cool with its light up head gear. He was on a mission and ready to go.
After some heckling from his family, Mark decided to dress up as Woody to go along with Austin. Mia who wouldn't be still for a good individual picture, was a fairy.