After frigid temperatures, snow, wind and days of cloudy skies earlier in the week, we were so excited that Halloween was a sunny, beautiful 63 degree day.

My little strawberry was all set for some pre-trick-or-treating pics.
Austin was practicing his best Woody (Toy Story) imitations and making sure he knew how to use his new toy gun.

We headed outside for some daylight pictures.

My kids looked at me like, "You want us to do what?"
Of course, what I wanted them to do was cooperate for a little photo session. Smiling would be nice, but would not be as necessary as staying somewhat near each other, looking at the camera and keeping all costume pieces intact.

For the most part, I was really happy with the results of the shoot.

Mia was unusually cooperative when it came to smiling.

Here she is with Nana.

Then there was Nana with both of her little trick or treaters.

Things started to go downhill quickly and Austin, though appearing cooperative was eager to do anything but stand and get his picture taken. I MIGHT have been bribing him with treats to get this picture.

Finally, Mia had had it with the costume. Off came the hat. Which, of course, I quickly put back on to attempt more pictures.

She cooperated much longer than expected. What kept her so happy and entertained during all of this? Kung Fu Panda! Awhile back Austin got this toy in a kid's meal that makes the kung fu action sounds. She belly laughs when she hears it and so Kung Fu Panda accompanied us outside.

After the photo shoot we headed back inside to wait for the sun to at least begin to set. Here Austin is asking Mia about trick or treating.

Before long it was time to go. My little Woody was all set and could not have been more excited.
He had been practicing for days and though he really didn't remember Halloween from last year, he knew that candy was in his future, so trick or treating must be fun.

"Hey, that is not enough candy. I must keep at this trick or treating thing."

Most of our neighbors set up fire pits and hand out candy from their front yards. It is a great time!

Neighbors who won't be home in time for trick or treaters or are gathering elsewhere with family, usually leave candy with someone else. This particular neighbor, one of Austin's favorite people, was handing out candy for four different people. Major score at that stop!

My little strawberry was already past her bedtime and didn't make it through the whole event, but she sure was cute. Nana and Grandma took her inside and put her to bed while we continued on with Austin. His bucket got so heavy that he could barely carry it. That did not deter him though. It wasn't until someone gave him a Capri Sun and he decided he was thirsty and wanted to go home, that we called it quits.
We wrapped up the evening with yummy bowls of
Pumpkin Turkey Chili shared with Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, aunts and uncles.
We all delved into Austin's loot.
After all, we don't want him to get a stomach ache or cavities from having too much candy around.
Hope your Halloween was memorable too!