Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So Sweet!

Now that Mia can interact with Austin a little more he enjoys that interaction and is making the most of it.
The other day I was changing her diaper and he came over and started kissing her on the head. She cooed and smiled at her brother. Then he said, "Law you Mia." Gosh that can make a Mommy's heart melt!

Austin loves it when Mia reaches out and touches him, so he will put his hand or face down near her. After this moment he said, "Hold hands Mia." Yet another super sweet moment.

Here she is touching his face which he loves. He usually starts giggling and then she really smiles. He can make her smile like no one else.

Hope these sweet pictures of my little ones make your day!


Anonymous said...

Yes, they did make my day ! When was your little one born ? Our son was born feb 12th and I would love to have another soon so they can grow up together. Have a great day !

Susan said...

Mia was born on February 5th. I agree with you, it is nice for siblings to be close in age and be able to grow up together.