Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Off to the Races

AAA is one of Mark's clients and each year they graciously give him and his business partner tickets to the NASCAR races at Dover International Speedway in Dover, DE. Last year Austin was much too young and was not yet a crazed maniac for the movie "Cars." This year, however, Mark knew that he would have fun and though there was a severe thunderstorm warning and eventually a tornado watch, they headed down hoping to get to see a race. The race was supposed to start at 3, but due to the severe thunderstorms that passed through the area it was postponed until 6. It was not the biggest race of the weekend, but was good enough for a first timer.
Now, I should state that before Austin existed, Mark was strictly a Formula 1 guy. NASCAR was definitely not his thing. However, Austin's love for all things car related, including race cars like the ones in the movie, have helped him broaden his horizons.
Mark's partner who took his boys to the race last year was kind enough to get Austin the appropriate ear protection so that my little boy didn't come home deaf from his first time seeing the "racing cars."
Fortunately, he likes wearing headphones and didn't put up too much of a fuss that he had to wear them.
Austin was SO excited to see the tractor trailers that tow the cars to and from the race tracks. At home, he likes to play with Mac, the tractor trailer in the Cars movie. Mark said that they walked around and looked at some of them. One of them had really shiny chrome wheels and Austin was in awe of its beauty. He stared at himself excitedly in the chrome.

Daddy is getting his ear plugs adjusted as the race is about to start. Austin is ready for the action to begin.
Daddy and Austin experience the start of their first race together. Austin is not sure what to make of it all.
Here come the VERY loud and VERY fast cars.

It's a hit!!! "Zoooooom, zoom," he says as they fly by on the track. Daddy is enjoying it way more than he thought he would.

They had a pretty good view of the cars since many people didn't show up due to the rain. Mark said that there were even a few wrecks, including one right in front of them.

Austin had a great day and though he is two and has the attention span of a normal two year old, he did really well and woke up in the morning talking about the race cars. Next year will almost certainly be even more exciting since he will be older, wiser and assuredly more car crazy.


Unknown said...

Uh oh. Now you can be a Nascar widow with me. Dan's up at Pocono tomorrow for the race and since he has a full access weekend pass he wants me to go up with him for the cup race. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Enjoying his first NASCAR race. I love it! His next gift from me... a camo hat :)